f78 General assembler options for Hitachi H8/300 Contents|Index|Previous|Next

General assembler options for Hitachi H8/300, H8S and H8/300H 

To use the GNU assembler to assemble gcc output, configure gcc with the switch, --with-gnu-as (in GNUPro Toolkit distributions) or with the -mgas option.

Assembler options for listing output for Hitachi H8/300, H8S and H8/300H

Use the following options to enable listing output from the assembler (the letters after ‘-a’ may be combined into one option, such as -aln).

High-level listings require that a compiler debugging option, like ‘-g’, be used, and that assembly listings (-al) also be requested.

Assembler listing-control directives for Hitachi H8/300

Use the following listing-control Hitachi H8/300 assembler directives to control the appearance of the listing output (if you do not request listing output with one of the ‘-a’ options, the following listing-control directives have no effect).