f78 Selecting a New Node


Selecting a New Node

The following documentation details the numerous info commands which select a new node to view in the current window.

The most basic node commands are ‘n’, ‘p’, ‘u’, and ‘l’.

When you are viewing a node, the top line of the node contains some info pointers which describe where the next, previous, and up nodes are. info uses this line to move about the node structure of the file when you type the following commands.

n (next-node)
p (prev-node)
u (up-node)

You can easily select a node that you have already viewed in this window by using the ‘l’ command (this name stands for last), to actually move through the list of already visited nodes for this window. ‘l’ with ffb a negative numeric argument moves forward through the history of nodes for this window, so you can quickly step between two adjacent (in viewing history) nodes.

l (history-node)

Two additional commands make it easy to select the most commonly selected nodes; they are ‘t’ and ‘d’.

t (top-node)
d (dir-node)

The following are some other commands which immediately result in the selection of a different node in the current window.

< (first-node)
> (last-node)
] (global-next-node)
[ (global-prev-node)

global-next-node and global-prev-node behave the same as simply scrolling through the file with Spacebar and Del; see scroll-behavior in Manipulating Variables for more information.

g (goto-node)
C-x, k (kill-node)
C-x, C-f (view-file)
C-x, C-b (list-visited-nodes)
C-x, b (select-visited-node)