f78 Index Contents


A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W 


Actual bugs we haven't fixed yet
Actually building the cross-compiler
Alternate keywords
AMD29K options
An inline function is as fast as a macro
Arithmetic on void- and function-pointers
ARM options
Arrays of length zero
Arrays of variable length
Assembler instructions with C expression operands


Brief description of gcov data files
Building and installing a cross-compiler


C language extensions
C++ language extensions
Compile C, C++, or Objective C
C++ style comments
Case Ranges
Cast to a union type
Caveats of using protoize
Certain changes we don't want to make
Clipper options
Common misunderstandings with GNU C++
Compilation in a separate directory
Compile C, C++, or Objective C
Compiling C++ programs
Compiling f ffb unctions for interrupt calls
Complex numbers
Conditionals with omitted operands
Configurations supported by GNU CC
Configuring a cross-compiler
Constraint modifier characters
Constraints for asm operands
Constraints for particular machines
Constructing function calls
Constructor expressions
Contributors to GNU CC
Controlling names used in assembler code
Convex options
Copying, distribution and modification
Cross-compiler problems
Cross-compilation steps
Cross-compilers and header files


Debugging your program or GNU CC
DEC Alpha options
Declarations and definitions in one header
Declare and define static members
Declaring attributes of functions
Defining global register variables
Disappointments and misunderstandings
Dstribution and modification
Dollar signs in identifier names
Double-word integers


Environment variables affecting GNU CC
Error messages
ESC in constants
Extensions to the C language family
Extensions to the C++ language


Fight "Look and Feel"
Fixed header files
Function names as strings
Funding free software


G++, defined
gcov: a test coverage program
gcov data files
gcov with GCC optimization
Generalized lvalues
Getting the return or frame address of a function
Global declarations and VMS
GNU CC command options
GNU General Public License
goto and destructors in GNU C++


H8/300 options
Hardware models and configurations
Have you found a bug?
Header file directories
How to apply these terms to your new programs
How to get help with GNU CC
How to report bugs
HPPA options


IBM RS/6000 and PowerPC options
IBM RT options
Include files and VMS
Incompatibilities of GNU CC
Incomplete enum types
Inquiring on alignment of types or variables
Installation problems
Installing GNU CC
Installing GNU CC on the Sun
Installing GNU CC on VMS
Intel 386 options
Intel 960 Options
Introduction to gcov
Invoking gcov


Known causes of trouble with GNU CC


Labeled elements in initializers
Labels as values
Libraries for a cross-compiler
Libraries, steps
libgcc.a and cross-compilers
Locally declared labels


M680x0 options
M88K options
Macros with variable numbers of arguments
Minimum and maximum operators in C++
MIPS options
Multiple alternative constraints


Named return values in C++
Naming an expression's type
Nested functions
Non-constant initializers
Non-lvalue arrays may have subscripts


offset-info option
Optimization, wiith gcov
Option summary
Options controlling C dialect
Options controlling the kind of output
Options controlling the preprocessor
Options for code generation conventions
Options for debugging your program or GNU CC
Options for directory search
Options for linking
Option summary
Options for C++
Options for warnings
Options that control C++ dialect
Options that control Optimization
Options to request or suppress warnings
Other VMS  issues


Passing options to the assembler
PowerPC options
Problems compiling certain programs
Protect your freedom; Fight "Look and Feel"
Prototypes and old-style function definitions


Referring to a type with typeof
Registers, variables
Reporting bugs
Running protoize


Sending patches for GNU CC
SH options
Simple constraints
SPARC options
Specifying attributes of types
Specifying attributes of variables
Specifying registers for local variables
Specifying target machine and compiler version
Standard header file directories
Standard libraries
Statements and declarations in expressions
Steps of cross-compilation
System V options


Temporaries may vanish before you expect
Terms & conditions for copying, distribution and modification
The character ESC in constants
Tools and libraries for a cross-compiler
Types, attributes
Type abstraction using signatures


Using gcov with GCC optimization
Using GNU CC on VMS


Variables in specified registers
VAX options


Warning messages and error messages
Where to report bugs
Where's the template?