f78 Assembler options for mips Contents|Index|Previous|Next

Assembler options for MIPS  

The following documentation discusses the assembler options for MIPS. To use the GNU assembler, as, to assemble gcc output, configure gcc with the switch, --with-gnu-as (in GNUPro Toolkit distributions) or with the option, -mgas. The assembler for MIPS architecture supports the MIPS R2000, R3000, and R4000 processors. Assembler options for listing output for MIPS

Use the following options to enable listing output from the assembler (the letters after -a may be combined into one option, such as -aln):

High-level listings require using a compiler debugging option like -g, and assembly listings (-al) also need to be requested.

Assembler listing-control directives for MIPS

Use the following listing-control assembler directives to control the appearance of the listing output (if you do not request listing output ffb with one of the -a options, the following listing-control directives have no effect).

Assembler options for MIPS

The MIPS configurations of as support three special options, and accept one other for command-line compatibility. See Command-Line Options in Using AS in GNUPro Utilities for information on the command-line options available with all configurations of the GNU assembler.

Assembler directives for debugging information for MIPS

MIPS ECOFF as supports several directives used for generating debugging information which are not supported by traditional MIPS assemblers:

    .def         .endef         .dim 
    .file        .scl           .size 
    .tag         .type          .val 
    .stabd       .stabn         .stabs
The debugging information generated by the three .stab directives can only be read by gdb, not by traditional MIPS debuggers (this enhancement is required to fully support C++ debugging). These directives are primarily used by compilers, not assembly language programmers. See Assembler Directives in Using AS in Binary Utilities for full information on all as directives.

MIPS ECOFF object code

Options for MIPS ECOFF object code

Directives for MIPS ECOFF object code

Registers used for integer arguments for MIPS