gdb needs to know the following things to talk to your MIPS target.
Use one of the following gdb commands to specify the connection to your target board.
host$ mips-idt-ecoff-gdb prog GDB is free software and... (gdb) target mips /dev/ttyb ... (gdb) load ... (gdb) run
The GOFAST library is available
with two interfaces; gcc
-msoft-float output
places all arguments in registers, which (for subroutines using double
arguments) is compatible with the interface identified as “ If you purchase and install
the GOFAST library, you can link your code to that library in a number
of different ways, depending on where and how you install the library.
To focus on the issue of linking, the following examples assume you’ve
already built object modules with appropriate options (including -msoft-float).
This is the simplest case;
it assumes that you’ve installed the GOFAST library as the file,
fp.a, in the same
directory where you do development, as shown in the GOFAST documentation.
Notice that all the variations
on linking with the GOFAST library explicitly include -lc
before the GOFAST library. -lc
is the standard C subroutine library; normally, you don’t have to specify
this subroutine, since linking with the GOFAST library is automatic.
When you link with an alternate
software floating-point library, however, the order of linking is important.
In this situation, specify ‘-lc’
to the left of the GOFAST library, to ensure that standard library subroutines
also use the GOFAST floating-point code.
compatibility with the GOFAST library for MIPS
The GCC calling convention
for functions whose first and second arguments have type float is not completely
compatible with the definitions of those functions in the GOFAST library,
as shipped. The following functions are affected.
$ mips-idt-ecoff-gcc -o prog prog.o...-lc fp.a
In a shared development environment,
the following example may be more realistic; it assumes you’ve installed
the GOFAST library as
where ‘ussdir’
is any convenient directory on your development system.
$ mips-idt-ecoff-gcc -o program program.o... \
-lc -Lussdir -lgofast
Finally, you can eliminate the
need for a -L
option with a little more setup, using an environment variable like the
following example (the example assumes you use a command shell compatible
with the Bourne shell):
$ mips-idt-ecoff-gcc -o program program.o...-lc -lgofast
As for the previous example,
the GOFAST library is installed in the directory, uss-dir/libgofast.a.
The environment variable, LIBRARY_PATH,
instructs GCC
to look for the library in ussdir.
(The syntax shown here for setting the environment variable is the Unix
Bourne Shell, /bin/sh,
syntax; adjust as needed for your system.)
fpcmp fpadd fpsub
fpmul fpdiv fpfmod
fpacos fpasin fpatan
fpatan2 fppow
Since the GOFAST library is
normally shipped with source, you can make these functions compatible with
the gcc
convention by adding the following instruction to the beginning of each
affected function, then rebuilding the library.
move $5,$6